We are medical doctors practicing the specialty of otolaryngology—care of the ears, nose, throat, and head and neck surgery. We also have a staff for Allergy test, who perform Allergy test here in our office, as well as offer Immunotherapy to get permanent relief from Allergy. 

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Ear Discharge

  • Ear discharge is a very common condition which can affect people of all age groups, but primarily it affects the children. Inflammation of the external and middle ear is the cause for ear discharges.

    A study has shown, that worldwide, the rate of acute infection of middle ear (otitis media) is 10.85% of which 51% of children under-five is affected.


Types of Ear Discharge

  Otitis Externa


  • Often referred to as “swimmer’s ear”, is caused by repeated exposure to water. It includes symptoms like the discharge of liquid or pus from the ear, along with itchiness in the ear canal, ear pain and temporary hearing loss. Risk of this condition is increased by swimming, sweating and being exposed to humid environments.


Otitis Media

  • It is a fungal infection that affects the ear of the people who swim frequently, have diabetes or suffers from any severe skin and medical conditions like Eczema. Discharge of fluid is one of the symptoms for this infection, along with pain, itching, inflammation, swelling, redness, flaky skin, hearing problems, feeling of fullness of the ear and ringing in the ear. It is very common in tropical regions.



  • It is an ear infection that occurs due to inflammation and infection of the area behind the ear drums or the middle ear. Infants between six and 15 months old are most commonly affected by this condition. Some of the symptoms are an earache, fever, lack of energy, development of a hole in the eardrum and pus discharge from the ear, slight hearing loss since middle ear becomes filled with fluid. Babies might show signs of irritability, diarrhoea, runny nose or coughing, inattentiveness and loss of balance.

    A young child or baby may also show signs of irritability, diarrhoea, runny nose or coughing, inattentiveness and loss of balance.

  • In this video, You will get all the information about Ear Discharge – its causes, how can we diagnose the cause of ear Discharge and how to get relief from ear Discharge. All the information is in हिन्दी & English.

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