We are medical doctors practicing the specialty of otolaryngology—care of the ears, nose, throat, and head and neck surgery. We also have a staff for Allergy test, who perform Allergy test here in our office, as well as offer Immunotherapy to get permanent relief from Allergy. 

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Like tonsils, adenoids are lymph nodes in throat but unlike tonsils, adenoids can’t be seen easily through the mouth as these are situated in the nasopharynx region higher behind the nose and close to the roof of the mouth (soft palate).

An infection in adenoids causes their enlargement and breathing through nose becomes quite troublesome.

Causes of Enlarged Adenoids

When adenoids  are infected and inflamed, the resulting and a rather painful condition is called adenoditis.

Symptoms of Enlarged Adenoids

Precautions & Treatments

  • Breathing through the mouth, especially in children, which also leads to a condition called malocclusion in which the teeth do not align properly when the jaw is closed.
  • Noisy breathing in daytime and snoring during the night.
  • Voice acquires a nasal tone.
  • Enlarged tonsils and adenoids can prove a hindrance in the breathing passageways which in turn can lead to disturbed sleep and snoring which can, in turn, lead to more serious conditions such as sleep pauses (also called sleep apnoea).
  • The child may also get other symptoms such as:
    Restless sleep with frequent waking up
  1. Mood swings
  2. Bedwetting
  3. Nightmares
  4. Abnormal sleepiness
  5. Cardiac problems.
  • Chronic enlargement and infection of the adenoids can also cause sinusitis (infection in sinus cavities) and/or blockage of nasal drainage that, in turn, can cause chronic ear infections arising due to inadequate ventilation of Eustachian tube (ear canal).



  • Since adenoids are located high up behind the nose, hence their direct examination is not quite possible. An ENT physician will order an X-ray of the nasopharynx to assess their size and extent of airway blockage by the adenoids.
  • Adenoids may have to be taken out entirely in cases of chronic adenoiditis. Like a tonsillectomy, adenoids too can be removed using the conventional cold instruments where the surgeon uses his finger to check whether all the adenoidal tissue has been taken out. This is a blind method with some chance that some mass could be left behind. On the other hand, there are advanced equipment such as the microshaver system or the coblator to remove adenoids that take help of endoscopes and lead to total removal of adenoids. Also, coblation comes with the added benefit of being a near-bloodless procedure.
  • Medical and surgical treatments of larynx- related disorders
  • Advanced examination of larynx through hi-tech HD angled endoscopes, flexible scopes and HD camera systems, such as the pulsar II Stroboscope that can identify the minutest functional problems in the larynx
  • Precision surgery of vocal cords (a region very prone to surgical trauma and very critical for patient’s quality of life) using best-in-class Zeiss Vario microscope and Lumenis Acupulse duo laser for the best possible results, all surgeries conducted in state of the art, laminar flow operation theatres
  • Voice preservation and rehabilitation after microlaryngoscopy and larynx cancer surgeries

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