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Ear Pain

Is ear pain your major concern? Book Your Appointment with our best ear doctor in Hyderabad at Dr Rao’s ENT Super Specialty International Hospital, Offering the best ENT care services with a more humanized approach.

Ear pain can happen to both children and adults, though it is more common for children. Ear pain can affect one or both ears. The pain might be dull, sharp, or burning. It is either constant or intermittent. 

Causes of Ear Pain

  • Poking ear with an outside object (hairpin, pencil, or safety pin)
  • Infection in the ear canal (otitis externa)
  • Infected hair follicle in the ear canal (furuncle)
  • Infection of the middle ear (acute or serous otitis media)
  • Ear wax build up
  • Sudden pressure changes at take-off and landing times during air travel
  • Tonsillitissinusitis, neuralgias, pharyngitis, or aching jaw or jaw joint or a toothache or mouth ulcers, can cause bouts of pain in the ear.
  • Some more serious conditions causing ear pain could be malignant otitis externa or complicated unsafe type of chronic otitis media.

Symptoms of Ear pain

Precautions & Treatments

  • The child has severe ear pain along with high fever, or seems more ill than you would expect from an ear infection.
  • Having symptoms like a headache, facial muscle weakness, swelling around the ear or dizziness, along with ear pain.
  • If a severe ear pain suddenly stops, it can indicate a ruptured tympanic membrane (ear drum).
  • Pain, irritability and fever might worsen and does not show any improvement in 24-48 hours.
  • Most ear pains can be treated successfully but the key to effective treatment lies in first making the correct diagnosis. One should schedule a visit to ENT physician without delay if suffering from ear pain.
  • ENT physician will give a thorough check-up to find the cause and will prescribe treatment accordingly

Watch this video to get all the information about Ear Pain – its causes, how can we diagnose the cause of ear pain and how to get relief from ear pain. All the information is in हिन्दी & English.

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