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Ear Wax


Earwax, scientifically known as cerumen, serves as a natural protective barrier for the ear canal against dust, microorganisms, and foreign particles.

The ear has its own self-cleaning mechanism, where the skin of the ear canal grows from the inside out, aided by jaw movements such as chewing, which helps to push out older earwax. Eventually, the earwax flakes off on its own, maintaining ear hygiene.

However, when earwax builds up excessively, it can lead to impacted earwax, indicating a disruption in the natural self-cleaning process.

Certain individuals may be more susceptible to earwax impaction, including:

  • Those who regularly use hearing aids, as they can interfere with the natural expulsion of earwax.
  • Individuals who habitually insert objects like earbuds, hairpins, or safety pins into their ears, which can push earwax deeper into the canal and hinder its natural removal.
  • Older adults, as aging can lead to changes in the consistency of earwax and a decrease in the efficiency of the self-cleaning mechanism.
  • People with anatomically narrow or unusually shaped ear canals, which may impede the proper removal of earwax and increase the risk of impaction.


Causes of Impacted Earwax

  • The unsafe habit of using items like ear-buds and safety pins to clean the ear that actually does quite the opposite by pushing earwax further into the ear.
  • The ear canal trauma inflicted by pointed objects lead to an ear with impacted earwax.

Symptoms of Effected Earwax

Precautions & Treatments

  • Ear feels heavy from inside.
  • There is a pain in your ear.
  • There is itchiness inside the ear.
  • Having hearing problems that seem to be getting worse with time.
  • Hearing ringing sounds in the ear (also called tinnitus)
  • The ear is letting off a brownish discharge.
  • A foul odour emanating from the ear.
  • Getting dizzy spells.

  • Never put ear buds, safety pins or hairpins in the ear canal
  • If there are symptoms of ear impaction, do not try to clean it out by yourself. Visit an ENT specialist.
  • Post-examination, an ENT specialist will – Prescribe cerumenolytic (ear wax softening agent) solutions to soften and dissolve the earwax build up.
  • Irrigate the ear canal with water or saline using a syringe after the earwax softens.
  • Remove the earwax using special and sterile instruments.
  • Watch this video to get all the information about Ear wax – its symptoms and its treatment in Hindi and English by Highly experienced ENT Specialist Dr. Patel Jitendra Nagarbhai. 
  • Wax can be removed by Syringing Method
  • Wax can be removed by Hooking out Method
  • Wax can be removed by Suction Method

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