We are medical doctors practicing the specialty of otolaryngology—care of the ears, nose, throat, and head and neck surgery. We also have a staff for Allergy test, who perform Allergy test here in our office, as well as offer Immunotherapy to get permanent relief from Allergy. 

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What are Sinuses?


There are four pairs of sinuses in our head. Sinuses are hollow, air-filled and interconnected spaces located around the nose in the skull. All these spaces or cavities open into the nose through tiny openings called ostia. As both sinuses and nose are lined with the same soft tissue called mucosa, any infection that affects one affects the other. When this mucosa gets infected, the resulting condition is called sinusitis. It is also called rhino-sinusitis (‘rhino’ is a medical term for the nose).

The four pairs of sinuses are as follows: –

  • Frontal sinus (in forehead)
  • Maxillary sinus (behind cheeks)
  • Ethmoid sinus (behind eyes)
  • Sphenoid sinus (deep behind the ethmoids)

The accepted functions of sinuses include, relative weight reduction of the front part of the skull (sinuses are hollow and filled with air), air-conditioning, and humidification of air that’s breathed in, giving added resonance to voice and lending mechanical rigidity.

What is Sinusitis? 

Sinusitis is a an inflammation/infection or swelling of the cavities around the nasal passage called sinuses. Healthy sinuses are small cavities filled with air behind your cheekbones and forehead, when infected get blocked and filled with fluid where germs can grow.

Sinus blockage can be caused by several reasons such as common cold, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps or even a deviated septum.

Consult our Sinus Specialists to diagnose the cause of your Sinusitis and the ideal treatment for the same. OM ENT Hospital is equipped with state of the art facilities and the best panel of sinus specialist doctor in Rajkot.

Causes of Sinusitis

  • Sinus infections can result from anything disrupting.
  1. Airflow into the sinuses
  2. Mucous drainage out of the sinuses
  • Common colds, allergies or similar conditions causes the lining of the sinuses and also the adjacent nasal passage to become swollen, thus blocking the ostia (the tiny openings of sinuses that open up into nasal cavity)
  • Sinuses can also get blocked by tumours, growths or structural abnormalities lying close to the sinus openings.
  • Diseases like cystic fibrosis, or due to drying medications like antihistamines or anti-allergic drugs, or simply because of breathing in air which lacks humidity or is dry, can cause mucous drainage to get hindered because of thickening of secretions.
  • When cilia (tiny hair-like structures that direct flow of mucous out of the sinuses), gets damaged by irritants such as smoke, its ability to movie mucous in the right direction weakens and it gets accumulated in sinuses.
  • When mucous goes stagnant in sinuses, it becomes rich, thriving and fertile ground for the growth of bacteria and viruses and sometimes for fungus as well (e.g. in AIDS patients or in immunocompromised individuals). In some case, these microbes can cause or worsen sinus blockage.

Symptoms of Sinusitis

Precautions & Treatments

Most patients with sinus infection will show some of the following symptoms: –

  • Stuffy nose
  • Obstructed nose
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Recurring throat pain
  • Feeling of pain or pressure in face
  • Pain in ear and / or teeth
  • Weakened sense of smell
  • Trickling sensation / irritation in the throat
  • Recurring urge to clear the throat
  • An ENT physician will check the nasal cavity to seek signs of swelling or redness, gathered pus and hindered drainage along the mucosal lining of the nasal passages. To get a complete status, the doctor can recommend endoscopic examination of nose along with CT scans of nose and paranasal sinuses.
  • An ENT physician generally prescribes medical treatment for acute sinusitis. However, chronic or recurrent sinusitis need proper investigation to find out their cause. The treatment prescribed may involve an endoscopic procedure called FESS or functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
  • Self-medication is not at all recommended. Avoid using topical nasal decongestant drops such as Otrivin and Nasivion that could lead to a tough to treat condition known as rhinitis medicamentosa on overuse.
  • If sinusitis is not treated it can lead to lot of discomfort and pain. If there are other health problems like asthma, along with sinusitis, then the patient’s health might deteriorate. In rare cases, not getting sinusitis treated might lead to serious conditions like bone infection, meningitis, or brain abscess.
  • Medical and surgical treatments of larynx- related disorders
  • Advanced examination of larynx through hi-tech HD angled endoscopes, flexible scopes and HD camera systems, such as the pulsar II Stroboscope that can identify the minutest functional problems in the larynx
  • Precision surgery of vocal cords (a region very prone to surgical trauma and very critical for patient’s quality of life) using best-in-class Zeiss Vario microscope and Lumenis Acupulse duo laser for the best possible results, all surgeries conducted in state of the art, laminar flow operation theatres
  • Voice preservation and rehabilitation after microlaryngoscopy and larynx cancer surgeries

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