We are medical doctors practicing the specialty of otolaryngology—care of the ears, nose, throat, and head and neck surgery. We also have a staff for Allergy test, who perform Allergy test here in our office, as well as offer Immunotherapy to get permanent relief from Allergy. 

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Voice Change (Hoarseness)

Hoarseness usually originates from some issue or disorder with the vocal cords (a part of the larynx or the voice box which is responsible for producing sounds). Hoarseness can be caused by many factors but it is rarely serious if it heals within a few days. However, if the hoarseness has gone on for two weeks, you should visit an ENT physician at the earliest to rule out larynx cancer.

Causes of Hoarseness

  • Common cold or upper respiratory tract viral infection
  • Voice abuse by talking loudly or excessively for long stretches of time
  • Gastroesophageal reflux wherein acidic stomach contents spill up the food pipe (oesophagus) and irritate the vocal folds
    Smoking habit
  • Other health issues such as allergies, thyroid problems, neurological disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and voice box trauma


Precautions & Treatments

The voice becomes: –

  • Breathy
  • Raspy
  • Strained
  • Gets differently pitched or
  • Show different volume levels than usual


  • The following precautions can be taken to prevent hoarseness: –
  1. Smoking is injurious not just to overall health; it is particularly bad for vocal cords as well. Quit smoking to keep the voice normal.
  2. Those who have hoarseness should avoid exposure to passive or second-hand smoke even if they do not smoke themselves.
  3. Hoarseness can also result from dehydration so drink water and other hydrating fluids but minimize consumption of caffeine and alcohol.
  4. Use a humidifier at home to do away with dryness.
  5. Avoid spicy foods.
  6. Do not speak too loud and do not speak for long stretches in one go.
  7. Go to an ENT specialist if the hoarseness persists.
  • The ENT surgeon will take the following steps to diagnose hoarseness: –
  1. He will first take a detailed history of the hoarseness problem and overall health.
  2. Then he will undertake a physical checkup of the voice box and its surrounding area using either a mirror or a laryngoscope which is a compact and flexible instrument with an in-fitted light that can be placed at the back of the throat.
  3. Next, he will assess the voice quality.
  4. Depending on the findings of the physical investigation, the ENT physician may prescribe simple precautions or ask for lab tests (e.g. biopsy), x-rays, or thyroid function testing.
  • The treatment for hoarseness depends on what has caused it. Following are some treatment strategies that a doctor may advise: –
  1. In most cases, hoarseness can be relieved by resting the voice.
  2. Smokers will be advised to quit smoking along with resting their voice.
  3. Second-hand smoke is also to be avoided
  4. If the investigations have revealed nodules or polyps on the vocal folds, the doctor may recommend a surgery.
  • Medical and surgical treatments of larynx- related disorders
  • Advanced examination of larynx through hi-tech HD angled endoscopes, flexible scopes and HD camera systems, such as the pulsar II Stroboscope that can identify the minutest functional problems in the larynx
  • Precision surgery of vocal cords (a region very prone to surgical trauma and very critical for patient’s quality of life) using best-in-class Zeiss Vario microscope and Lumenis Acupulse duo laser for the best possible results, all surgeries conducted in state of the art, laminar flow operation theatres
  • Voice preservation and rehabilitation after microlaryngoscopy and larynx cancer surgeries

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